Saturday, December 1, 2007

Ok, I'm ok, but speaking Gibberish!!!

Really, I keep dozing off and waking up to ask a non-relevant question or utter an out-of-context answer!!! Silly me! Silly morphine! I'm better today, hamdillah, but exhausted, so won't keep u too long.
BTW, where r the rest of u? how came my comments have diminished so much? or r u reading but not commenting? hmmmm?! Not allowed. Just drop a word or 2 for me to know somebody out there still loves me and hasn't forgotten about me in cold, old Sutton!
Ok, enough insecurities.
Oh and one last thing, God's gift on Earth? A HOT WATER BOTTLE!!!! Yeaeaeaeah!! (ya3ni kees mayy sokhneh, dunno what in french). Amazing when u r addicted on it AND on Morphine! How many of u own and actually use one? Mine is plastic red with a pink and fuschia (but, of course) polka dot fleece cover. I bought it from Boots here. How about yours? do u think we can get a picture or a sketch? Mom used to always use one, but i never really appreciated its importance! But now, tks mom 4 ur subconscious advice.

yalla, khalas, dodo,


Unknown said...

jubilatoire!thanks haloul for introducing me to technologia.

Bigbro said...

Dont worry about your jibberish, we are all talking chinese here by now! But it doesnt matter cz we dont have to say a word English or whatever. The team at the hospital knows their business so well!! What a blessing. Thank GOD. f

Bobbie said...

So glad you are doing ok, Jibber Jabber and all. I thought about you today and praise God he is keeping you close to him. Al hamdillah!

Osama said...

Hiiiiiiii Hala!

I have been a silent reader for a long time. I am very happy to hear you are feeling better now.
7amdellah 3al salameh. We are all praying for you and inshallah you will put i all bahind you soon. Inshallah will see you soon in Lebanon.

Your childhood friend, Osama Rinno

Unknown said...

Guilty as charged -- reading and not commenting -- I felt you were dealing with so much pain I just did not know what to say -- wrong of me!! Hee hee --- I loved the photo of you and hubby --- too cute --
I should not be disclosing this but my hotwater bottle is actually beige fleece with doggy ears!! Picked out by my kids == hee hee -- we all take turns at it= its actually very cute and cuddlY!
I hope today will be a better brighter day for you -- do keep warm and rest assured we are all with you 100% of the way --- not to sound too obsessed wtih food let fadi or cyba grab you a tub of ready made custart from marks -- its yummy, cool and easy to swallow with all your blisters --
God bless

Unknown said...

good morning halloul. dont worry about the kees mayy sokhneh. i use it every night. i fill one every night and i hold on yo it to have a good night sleep. it makes you feel warm and peaceful.
you sound better today. and your spirit is wonderful. i prayed 3asr a while ago and read ayat al kursi for your ya hilweh. beirut misses u tons.
i filled the applications for your daughter and nahno last night and hopefully will prepare all the necessary docs for the embassy monday morning. Soon inshalla they'll all be around you.
Allah yi7meekeh ya rabb.
love .
Um Omar and the gang.


Heyyy you! I have also been reading you without commenting... nothing to say which is surprising for me, but I am in awe at the way you are dealing with this situation... well done Hala your courage and determination amaze me... I am now officially a fan!

As for the kiis, I am sorry to admit that I don't have one and never have, might come in handy in Montreal though, so maybe I should take it up, but I've always found it more comforting to warm my feet on Sam's back... also much funnier!!!

I pray that you'll get better and be back on your feet in no time! Be strong Habibti!

Yasmeena said...

hi sleepy head!
you have been handling this way better than I ever thought you would AND than anyone could.
and stop trying to send me away, i love visiting you and for that I'll be right here when you wake up :)
smiling away as usual...

taggy said...

hi halloulti, i just try my best to write anything whenever i find something written by you okay sometimes its something silly but its just to let you know we are thinking about you and praying for you and most of all that we love you so so so much...karma and zeena sends their love too,,,,they have an irbeh thats what we call it here still didnt use it but its so useful in cold nights thank god for it ....the one who invented it is a genius. mine is very dull but does its work....kisses to wiss and fadi cyba and alllll

love you
tag and the girlzzzzzzz

Dina said...

Mine is red .. yay .. my favorite color .. I feel you have opened pandora's box .. and people are excited to talk about their IRBEH.
It is heaven to go to bed with it every night .. poor Mota .. he is so jealous.
Hope you have a good night habibti and that every day is better than the last. And soon you will be home with your girlies .. hoping for a couple of hours of quite time to take a nap.. hehe
Love u,Dina.

lebanesa said...

Hiya Hala
I've been away for a while, glad to hear things are going as expected. Thinking of you and willing you all the strength you can need. Labneh, jello, ice-cream, mousse - they are all cool and slippery, good for those ulcers.
Keep sleeping and keep keeping us informed. Love hugs and kisses

Cristina said...

...this is the post we have been waiting for few days!!
You begin to joke again, you are not moaning and even you scold us because sometimes we have been a dumb reader.... well done!! did you see how many entries today??
As far as the hot-water bottle is concerned, I own a very special one... its very cute, with big blue eyes, a little pug nose and a beatiful drawn mouth... its my sweet baby, he always cling to me like a leech... very useful during these cold nights!!
Continua così!!
A presto ciao ciao

hania said...

Yes,,, we are all here with you hala. Just a little call from you made the blog crowded by yr friends. Funny talking about ‘kees hot water’ I alwys thought that it's a thing for oldee people only, so I haven't releaved before that I have one 'as you know we are young forever! Mine for my neck and shoulder,,, Tiger,,, but baby cuteeee tiger… love it,,, sooo relaxing+made me feel sleepy.
Take big care of your self and dont worry, you are doing great hala, just keep on…

LinaG said...

I guess your hard times stunned us, and with non if your tipical humor .. we were lost!. Now that it's back, you got us commenting! (That doesn't mean you "ain't gotta bitch, excuse the word, every now and then!).As for our water bottles, they range from the rubbery red one to the clear plastic one with ablue liquid and a little ruber ducky inside! (Lost for now, can't seem to remember where we put it!)
Looks like the girls are coming to visit you?? Great, I hope it will also cheer you up, and maybe someone will answer your random questions ... kmmmm hat a random remark.
Love, and prayers,

Hajjal Sannine said...

honey....i own three hot water bottles
they are a miracle! mine is covered with a very soft material....but i dont know how to describe it - i shall take a pic of it and send it to you :):):):) the other ones are plain plastci red and blue...but they come in handy and the cold days of winter when the bed is cold and u go in and its already there to warm it up :)

Hajjal Sannine said...

nb: how can u think we forgot about u? makouleh