Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Sailor...

For ALL your tailoring needs, el ratta Wissam has opened a new branch at The Royal Marsden. We do socks, seams, holes, buttons, taqseer, tadyee2, tutweel, ta3teer... Excellent craftsmanship, express delivery, money back guaranteed!


Bobbie said...

Ooooo what a fun man you have there, and so talented. Between a brother that supplies stem-cells and a dh that mends, what more could a girl wish for? Except hair that is, har har (more har) he he. Hope to see the new you artwork soon. God bless you tonight and every night.

Artists With Artitude said...

What are you doing up past midnight, ya sitt? Did you sneak out for a little partying?! Good to see you get over that dreaded block.. Sorry, can't get the video to work. I'll come back. In the meantime, I will imagine Wissam sewing sequins on your nightgown :) Nighty night, sweetheart!

Unknown said...

Wiso way to go!! halloula what more can u wish for? Does that mean that u'l be preparing Santa's outfit? and wearing it wiso? fadi? hehe!

Halloula, why don't you send us your postal address..u think we can send you stuff like cards etc. to the hospital? It can contribute to your artsy exhibit? what do u think?
Wish you a nice day and how are you having ur morphini? stirred? shaken? !! Love. HalaRaad.

Ramzi & Reem Ghannoum said...

keep hanging in there habibiti and thanks so much for putting all these smiles on our faces. I so much look forwrad to your messages every morning. By the way, that breakfast gotta go man!! We need some pancakes, manakish and maybe a chocolate croissant!! Remember those chocolate croissants we used to have at (????) forgot the name of the restaurant. anyway, sweetie, keep em coming and keep walking, kisses XXXXXOOOO

lebanesa said...

Nice one, I like the professional way he wears an apron to work - tee hee - does he fix shoes too?
Hope today is GREEAATTT

taggy said...

wisso way to go ..I must show this video to nidal hehe ...i salut you wiss you are one of a kind.. allah yekhaleekon la ba3d . halloulti yallah we are very anxious to see the GALLERY...i have tried to do one but didnt work..guess i didnt inherit the art genes from audis :(.anyways see how everyday is getting better than the latter, and as i told you it will only get better and better.

loveeeeee you and miss you
riri and the girlzzzzzzzzz

Unknown said...

Welll, I'm a little behind the curve so i'm going to try and merge two posts in one:
a - I am so so happy that your buddha is blessing your strepsils, your success phone card, and a Quality Street sweet that has been sitting there from when i was still there!! ma32ool!!! It looks like it has been pushed around during those amazing Fadi & Wiss joint effort tidying up sessions! Tell KHAYYATA to remove all that junk so nothing gets between you and the energy! :)

b - Halloul, zakkarteeni (for all you learn-arabic-quick hopefuls that is, you reminded me) b teta imm adeeb (of our paternal grandma) Allah yerhama (God rest her soul). She used to put her pills in the palm of her hand every morning and tell me shoofi shoofi (look look), indicating that there were way too many there and she felt oh so sweetly sorry for herself :) -- i can almost see rabab smiling there! Fiyon el 3afieh te'ibreeni! (Sante would suffice here i think, lol). Maybe my next post will be a glossary of terms for all our friends across the pond.

c - Mazen, you are spot on with the mantras. do we need to say them over and over or is saying the mantra once enough to make it reverberate throughout the universe? And i love your story about the girl who wrote the book.

One must never forget to offer thanks to God, buddha, or any other energy form of goodness they feel closer to at the time, when they have been lucky enough to have been selected to have their hardship reduced. When pay-back is due, there is no bigger thank you than un-directed pay-back. Yaani you do good in absolute.

Way to go Louli XX

Unknown said...

is he really sewing!? what did u do to him??? guys, this is serious wife is NOT seeing this as it might give her ideas. get well halloul...prayers are coming ur way all the time...GOD BLESS U.

Artists With Artitude said...

The apron is very can you get him to do the dishes? :)

Kisses, ya habibti

Rima said...

Is there no end to this superman's talents? Shou haida, shou haida! He actually looks like he knows what he's doing. Yay, Wissam - you're the best, 3waynet notwithstanding (yep, we heard that last bit).

Remember me? the procrastinator, slower-than-a-snail worker? sorry - i got felled by a 24hour bug of some sort. My brain was going bzzzt, bzzzt every time I turned my head. I'm still getting new contributions, so no deadline for posting, but anything after today will not be entered for voting. Today being Wednesday the 12th.

Hope your day is better than ever and tomorrow will be even better. Love ya

Rima said...

Oh, and Cyba? thanks for the translation - between you and Hala, you'll be putting me out of business. Come to think of it, I think I won't thank you then, hehe...

What a wonderful family you have, my dear Hala - you guys are pretty amazing one and all.

ZanBarrage said...

Habibi Abou'l Wiss! You are the bestist man! I can't wait for those papers to get done! Bidna nikhlas ba'a! And Hala, no dragging your feet when the papers come or I will drag you by the ear all the way here!

Love you both VERY much!