Saturday, December 22, 2007

My Afro Funky Beauty Salon Carrot Top Goth Babe!!!

Yup, these are the top 5 winners according to the votes; however, if u ask me, I would say "tout le monde a gagne!!!" There is no way I could pick a winner. They were all just wonderfully warm and from the heart. They brought out the best in people who never knew they had it in them. I mean, honestly, Taggy, where did that come from. And Meena, habibti, wow! And Yasmine, my youngest contestant, I am so thrilled you took part in this contest (and fared quite well, I say!) May and Lina, what can I say! It's not that it was a surprise to me. I was certain you'd come out with something out of this world, as you always do. As for you virgin artists, Cristina and Lina B., keep up the good work, you have a bright future. And you other pros like Barb and Diane and Neda and Joy and Frances and Debi and Bobbie. I am thankful and honoured for giving me the time and effort, even though you hardly know me. And Rima, without whom none of this could have happened, how can I ever thank you enough? You played along with a bored girl in her hospital room and made her days pass so quickly and easily, forever grateful, habibti. And last but not least, Wisso, habibi, whose talent I keep discovering and rediscovering with every single day that passes. You are my inspiration, My Rock, without you I would never have ventured into anything artistic or not. So, Fadi, your attempt at 'squeezing' me will not work, alas, for they are ALL winners in my eyes (and winners of a box of brownies each, might I add! I just have to figure out how to send them to the different countries without getting into trouble with Customs!) (Lucky for those living in Lebanon (and Amman), eh?)

My friends, thank you once again for your love and efforts. I bid thee goodnight as I listen to the Three Tenors with my three lovely angels (and the rest of the Angel Family). It's good to feel at home, even if in a home away from home!

love you tons,


Bigbro said...

Good escape sis but i still bet you i can squeeze you even more!!! f

Mazen Khaled said...

Habibteh Hala! Enjoy the holidays!

Unknown said...

I could not agree more with Hala -- amazing amazing work by all -- love the winning finalists and all those that were runner ups!!!! Rima (though I dont know you -- thank you for making this fun and easy for us)---
heehee now I guess the pressure is on for some amazing new idea ---- guess what Hala --- waitig for your guidance -- hee hee -- hope you have a lovely relaxing weekend at home!!

Bobbie said...

It was so much fun to try to get a smile out of you, and so many entries were so funny. I got a belly laugh each time I looked at them. Congratulations to the winner(s)!