Thursday, October 4, 2007

The Loooooooooooooooongest day ever!

Ok, remember all these pieces of advice you gave me to use while in isolation to spend the time, well, I tried "most" of them today, and guess what, I still had time! So I guess I'll need a lot more things to keep me busy! (note that timings aren't precise since I am forgetful these days!)

Let's try and recap together what I did today.
- woke up at 7:00, had breakfast at 8:00 and tried my luck at meditation (10 min worked).
- Did LP at 9:00, Laid on my back till 10:00. Listened to my i-pod and read my magazine till 11:00.
- Laptop time, blog, mails, website surfing... till around 12. Arrowwords puzzle till around 12:30.
- Some TV and lunch till around 1:30 then bath (finally) and clean room till 2:00.
- Another failed trial at meditation (too many interruptions) till 2:30, I think.
- Did something, Lord Knows what, till 3:00 when mom came, yay!!!!
- Chatted with mom and video conferenced with Cyba, my sis in Dubai, till around 6:15!!!
- Wiss came at 6:00. We discussed more hospital options till 7:00. Then I had dinner till 7:30.
- Then Lara and Nayla came and we discussed the kitchen plan and hospitals again.
- Checked mails and blog and stuff again.
- Lara and Nay left at 10:30 and here I am writing this entry at 10:32!!! and the day ain't over yet!!!!!!!
- So, I guess now I'll watch some tv and drift off, hoping tomoro will pass a bit faster than today.

Now imagine 45 days of this. AAAAAARRRRGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

"Good night princes and princesses of Maine" (The Cider House Rules)



lebanesa said...

Like damn prison, eh Hala?
Do you have a view from the window? Any people to look at?
Thank God for computers though, can you imagine what it would be without those?
Feel with you babes. Hope you sleep well and keep as positive as you can honey, good vibes coming to you from all over the world.

Unknown said...

Hey Hala, checking ur blog is becoming another habit of mine, check facebook, watch a stupid Arabic serial on UTUBE, check my mail and Halakeima!!!

So let me get this straight...ur gonna be in the hospital for 45 days in a row? great! It is so much fun wow! lucky u...and yes I am lieing ;-( but keep it up girl we are all looking up to u...

Well had a good day today, more work and trying to send my shirts to laundry in Turkish seemed impossible (again) I got the name of the laundry place in Turkish after numerous trials to explain to the security guards what I wanted...pressing and washing signals did not help much! At last it is called Kuru Temeslemeh! So I call them and as usual no one speaks English!!! Again try telling them u want someone to come collect ur kuru temeslemeh!!! Good I call a colleague and ask her to ask them to come to my 3 hrs after I started the process of getting my laundry done, they arrive and here I go again showing them an iron to tell them which stuff is for ironing and doing handwashing movements to tell them what stuff are for washing!!! WOW never thought this was difficult!!

Anyway my kuru temeslemehs are gone now and do not even ask me when I am getting my stuff clue but I hope I get them Sat becuase I come home to Lebanon on Sunday...

So u see Hala, time dlies in Istanbul it takes 3 hours to get ur laundry Kuru temeslemized!!!

Hope u enjoyed this...YAKSHAMMAR (good evening in Turkish) and talk to you soon...

Needless to say u r in every prayer I make


Bobbie said...

Hang in there baby, it will be ok. Time will pass and you will find ways to entertain yourself. What kinds of things do you like to do?

rabab Audi said...

Hi Loulou Hayyati, that is what I like to hear you are making yoga, it is good you had the pateince for 10 minutes make it next time 15 minutes and every day a little more that what will you need when the isolation comes nothing will help like yoga habibti concentrate on slowing down your pace, I never forget when this fortune teller told you will be 10 women in one, so please please read now more and more about Yoga exercises and you will see you will learn how to ask to be healled yea you will have this power. I did this myself when I had my carsinoma in my face and felt that I am healled and thanks God here I am, and what is important is to reach wisdom peace serinity and patience. As I know you since your babyhood you always wanted to race the time and need every single minute a programe so please slow done you see time passes only when we give it the chance to pass.
So just relax and give time the chance to pass and then God and his angeles will heal you and will make all your wishes come true.
Habibti you are in good hands with all these prayers around.
May God bless and keep you to your loved ones and I am one of them.

Cristina said...

Ciao Hala,
...only 30 minutes for a puzzle? let me provide you a serious one. At the beginning you will hate it making you very nervous (but now you make yoga so you can control your emotions) then it will become a challenge and it will be your "nailed idea"... it is also fluorescent, I hope it will not become your nightmare!
I agree with you that this routine can become a bit boring at the end (after a looong period) , but in my opinion chatting with relatives, reading magazines, watching tv, listening to music i.e. have time to dedicate to ourselves.... no it is not so bad!!! Cheer up!! No worries… be happy!!!

Unknown said...

LIke Mohammad -- I feel i know everyone now from your blog so I can use names -- I am hooked to your blog and check it everyday! I check my email, favourite websites, news, then Halakemia!!!!!
Hala take it in small steps -- dont keep thinking 45 days -- just take them one day at a time and they will pass!!!! In the meantime will keep the jokes coming -- I have great ones that I cannot cut and paste (fun WMVs and i tubes) but I dont know how to download them onto your blog -- I will get your email from bigbro and add you to my list -- or if in the mood, you can tell me how to download them onto your blog!


Hala said...

Hey! I have regular, addicted readers. Yay!!! Cristina, the puzzle was a word puzzle, so 30 mins is more than enough! But tks for the tip!
Tammy, habibti, I thank you and all the Amman readers: Hania, Ribbo, Ramzi, Dina, Taggy, Fadi and everyone else there.

Wow, I have readers from Canada (waynek Rima?), The US, The UK, Italy, Turkey, Amman, Norway (waynek Tala?) and of course Lebanon. Anywhere else?
Nice networking! cheers guys!

lyne sneige said...

Hope today went OK. Are you into books or is it more short term span like magazines? Discussing the kitchen is nice, yes keep on thinking about the future, you will be baking lots of nice things soon. Positive thoughts and energies. Am thinking of you and send you lots of hugs and kisses. Walid Nadim and Ramzi send you their love. BTW Ramzi now stands up in his crib and walks all around it, nadim is very cute and naughty :-) MWAH

Unknown said...

Hey Hala...u have to keep us entertained here otherwise we will move on to another blog..u know competition is very high and here are very interesting people out the benchmark is getting higher and higher LOL

Hope ur well...btw, yesterday we celebrated laylet il Kadir and my wife and her firneds had a special du3a and prayer for u... Allah Yi7miki..


Unknown said...

trust you to ask about me and how i am.....mannikk maakoule.Even though i am so not good at teknologia,i shall certainly become a regular halakemia visitor!!!
Big kiss.
P.S.burger on the fire,stilton in the fridge,now let the platelets and co. get back on course