Friday, January 4, 2008

On Love and Chicken Soup!

Hiya everyone! Sorry it's been so long but my internet connection was out for a few days. I had to make around 25 looong phonecalls to BT and Sky and Broadband until it finally came back, alone might I add.
Well, the girls are gone, and so is Rabab! Wiss and I are back to beit byout, with the addition of mom's house help who stayed behind to help us, yay! (Now we can finally wear ironed clothes!)
It was very subtle, the way the girls said goodbye. They started a couple of days ago, coming to sit next to me or snuggle up to their dad. And then, on the last night, we had Loulwa cozying up next to us after dinner, Amar sleeping next to us at night, and Zee joining her early morning! Then they upped and went to the airport with no fuss. Only when they reached Beirut did they realize they had left us and won't be seeing us for a while. So, they ALL made a scene and teta came to the rescue! Habibati! And that's just talking about them. I won't even try to tell you how I feel about their departure!

And Rabab left today too, my soup-making, massage-doing, prayer-embracing, morale-lifting army general of an aunt! I will miss her and her chicken soup (she refused to let me open a can of soup and insisted on making me fresh ones, even late at night! Thanks, Ribbo!)

Rima (sorry I dunno how to 'link' to u!) has 'tagged' me! That means I have to write 5 weird or random things about me on my blog and then tag 5 other bloggers! Well, 5 weird or random things about me, hmmmm, let's see.

1- I can't sleep if there's an open closet in the room.
2- I am afraid of the dark (always have a night light on!)
3- My fourth toe wiggles and does a dance better than all other toes!
4- I've become very picky about taste and won't enjoy just about anything anymore.
5- I don't like anyone reading my magazine before me (and I usually buy the second on the rack, after I've gone through the first!)

phewwww, that was difficult. Now to 5 more bloggers, hmmmm, Fawzan, (Yayyyy!!!! zabatit. I know how to link, I think!!!) Mazen, Nemr, Frances, and Debi.

Well, now to go and inform my taggers! (thanks for the homework, Rima!)

Meanwhile, keep warm and have soup!


lebanesa said...

You roused me out of my torpor, Hala, glad to hear you sounding chirpy. I will do the Tag soon - and will be trying to catch up on the blogs I haven't read over the last weeks.
Keep well and most of all, keep happy.
Hope 2008 has started great and will carry on that way.
love and hugs

Bigbro said...

Time flies and soon you will be HOME. f


Heyyy Happy New Year Hala!! Still haven't gotten around to finishing your pic with Yasmine... sorry Rima for the delay I caused without sending anything, but I still aim at finishing it... only don't know when!!
I'm thinking of going to Beirut around Feb 22nd, hope I'll have the opportunity to see you there!
I hope this year will be filled with great and happy moments for you and your family!!

Bobbie said...

Soon you will be home again and will be surrounded by all those who love you. So glad they could be there over the holidays and spread a little love there. Happy Day, Hala!

Anonymous said...

I bet you never fold back a page or turn down a corner to mark your place! I hope it wont be long before you are back home with your family

Unknown said...

I know how hard that must have been for you and them -- I pray that you will be with them sooner than anyone can wish for -- time flies these days!! concentrate on you now and that will speed up your trip back home -- keep the soup in motion and we on our part and praying for you daily.
warm wishes ---- heard its freezing these day!!!
Keep warm

PS -- I also always buy the second magazine off the rack!!!!!

Dina said...

I know how hard it must have been to see the girls go back home. Inshallah you will be joining them very soon. I was reading your schedule and in a couple of weeks it will be 3 months, inshallah all will be well and you will get to go home soon.
It is funny I can't sleep either if there is an open closet and I pick the second magazine too .. actually second anything in the supermarket I never get the first can or jar .. weird .. it must be something in our GENES.
Miss you habibti and always praying for you.

rabab Audi said...

Halloulti wa Habibi Deekna Abu El Wiss,

It was a great pleasure to be with you for the last four weeks and would loved to stay more and more, with such a courageous darling and such a supportive mate who wants to come back. I really enjoyed and got used to care for you, but you know that wether I am with you or away my soul and prayers are walking with you second after second. Thanks God he answered our prayers and beg him again to finish up the next two months and you will be united with all of us your beloved kids and family.
Please keep eating and drinking fresh food and soups no cans no crowds.
Keep walking keep drinking keep safe we love you, may God keep you for us all.
I promise I will come back any minute you want me beside you.

My biggest hugs for you and habibi Wiss.

ZanBarrage said...

How could you do this to me??? Two tags in one week. Grrrrrrrrrr.

Artists With Artitude said...

Hi Hala! Sorry I haven't been visiting lately. Got to Beirut with no reliable internet service until now.

Thinking of you and Wissam and sending you lots of chocolate kisses and hugs too.

We have a lot in common, I see (and not only Fawzan and Rima ...LOL)

Love you, habibti :)

Ramzi & Reem Ghannoum said...

May you reunite with all your loved ones very soon. In the meantime, get strong and be positive and know that we are all here for you and always praying for you. kisses

Mazen Khaled said...

man i'm clueless about this blog culture. Tagging, eh? W Links kamen? lol, shu hol??

Rima said...

Very cute answers to the tag, that's the spirit! unlike your khalo Fawzan, I might add!

I hate buying a magazine that is not pristine too - I do the same thing, look at the first copy, then pick another from the back (bad, bad consumer)
