Sunday, January 13, 2008

And the Cookie Takes the Cake!!!

Oh yes, folks. The only thing I could fathom putting in my mouth this morning was actually a biscuiut and some tea. (Yes, Hania, I dipped it first, of course!) And not just any biscuit. Seeing that I had a choice between Rich Tea, Double Choc-Chip, Burbon Creams and Digestives, the latter was the only one I could actually try. I had one and a half biscuits with some tea and felt bloated after that! As for lunch, eeeeewwwwwwwww, I can't even think of food any more. I tried some boiled potatoes, too dry! I think last night's Maggi chicken broth soup is a winner for dinnertime. Perhaps I'll try that again tonight, much to the dismay of Rabab, I know, for not having it fresh, but honestly, it isw lighter this way.

You should hear the sounds my stomach and intestines are making. It's like Jurassic Park Revisited ALL over again; a frickin' Tyranosaurus Rex or sth roaming around inside me.

I really want to thank all u who sent recipes and suggestions, but, u know what, I think no matter what I eat, as long as I am taking so much medication, nothimg will help improvw my 'situation'! It's a good thing I'm seeing the doc tomoro. Perhaps he can find a miracle cure for me. (just let's pray he doesn't stick me in the cell again...!)

As for those who sent me tips on how to keep busy, wow, there are some nice ideas there I hadn't thought of, some really fun, too (tks Hala 4 ur list. I love making lists!) I did buy a Best of Musicals cd and sang along to it, honest! As for Maz's suggestions for an orgt of Lord of the Rings, well, I hate to burst ur bubble babe, but that 'genre' is not really my cuppa tea. (Try Grease or Flashdance instead?)

I tried reading a book today. Really, I feel so jealous of the British gobbling up books everywhere and so quickly that I sat on my bed and started reading a new book I'd gotten as a gift from a friend. I woke up an hour and five lines later! (It's the meds, I tell you!)

I feel funny in my tummy. It's not really nausea nor heartburn but just general discomfort. Let's just pray they reduce my meds tomoro so I can feel a bit better. I sent Wissam on a hunt for 'aniseed' or 'yansoon'. All he could find was star anise. well, after trying to boil, crush, boil again... it turned out to be NOT THE SAME AS YANSOON! Too bad. That woulda helped, perhaps! Meanwhile, It's back to ginger and peppermint and jasmine teas I guess.

Go on, have a cuppa with me,

from a land far far away,
signing off,

(Man, I think I am confusing my movies? See Maz, I suck at this!)


Bobbie said...

Oh, poo poo. I hate it that you are still you know, having diariahha, diariah, diariah... Did you try pepto-bismol? Or is that ok for you? It always works for me, but turns your output black...

I'm asking God right now to take this indignity away from you and let you get on with getting well. Also to keep the evil diariah, diarriah, diriariah away from you :) He is blessing you and for that we thank Him.

Unknown said...

i really hope you start feeling better soon and your stomach settles down --- I will keep an eye open for anyone coming out to london soon so send you some yansoon and some of the drinks you like - will let you know if I find someone. how are you for watching dvds - do you have access to a dvd - maybe we could send out the latest series of dHW, brothers and sisters, greys ,etc -- there are a few episodes of season 4 out - great for [passing time --
chin up my dear -- this will soon be over like a bad nightmare and the good times will start again.

Unknown said...

Forgot the book reading experience Halloula..Go bag to Marie-Claire, In-Style etc...Also read some cooking magazines so helps u collect data, ideas etc.. for when u get back to your work.

As for the game, why dnt u and wiso play Bassra :)) Katorze (as we pronounce it here!!!):))

Also go to

Wana enjoy nice brain teasers? check out:

IT's real fun...Enjoy! Love you loads. HalaRaad.

Unknown said...

I keep loosing on the Stroop test grrrrrr...but it is hilarious too!

And take the "senses challenge" waow..not easy!

Lemme know what u think...hey why not share it with/challenge your bloggers!! Take care and love you loads.HalaRaad.

Bigbro said...

Sa7tein sis!! Maalesh tiny steps forward to me is great progress. Keep it up and keep trying. Kisses. f

Ramzi & Reem Ghannoum said...

Hi habibit, miss you, its been a while. I hope you're feeling better today and back to your usual cheerful self. I am thinking of your and praying for you. Keep'em coming.
kisses and hugs XXXOOO

hania said...

Sorry dear you still cant eat well but its ok you start with biscuits now and inshalla soon to soujek and burgeres!!! Hope you had a good day with no diarrrrr… and stomach feel better now. I discovered an old game when I was in old town in damas called bargeez I think Turkish game but funny and easy and no brain need, just hands to throw Wada3 and some luck! We can send it to you with instruction for sure!!!
Have a peaceful warm night

Layla A.(forgot my password again) said...

Hi Halloul,
Here's a little poem I wrote for fun , Enjoy!

Yummy yummy yummy
there’s a noise in my tummy
Its calling out for somethin’ to eat
making my little ole’ heart beat
Its surely looks like diarrhea
a stomach growling
Just like the voice of Chris Rea
Making me feel ill at ease
All the time and craving for yummies
Soup, pasta, cookies and tea
Not so many options here for me
It’ll be better soon I know
and I’ll be eating with my Big bro
my family my girls and all my friends
some lovely Roast with uncle Bens
I’ll be back soon just wait and see
I ,Myself and yes happy Me!!!

Mazen Khaled said...

I'm still trying to overcome my grief that someone doesn't like Lord of the Rings -The greatest love story ever told. boohooo

I forgive you though, I know you have it in you because, if I remember right, one day not too long ago, I was a prince and you were a princess. :) Remember the times?


So sorry for the discomfort you're feeling. Please email me your adress and I can send you some Yansoon by express mail. I've got some here.

My email is:

It should take 2 to 3 days max to get to you.

Unknown said...

Hay hala its me again

How you been? Missing you these days -- hope you are ok and stomach settling down a bit == cant find anyone coming out this week but a friend of mine told me of a shop called green valley in London (off Edgeware Road) that would have yansoon tea=== myabe Wis can call them and have them deliver it by post or something to good old Sutton.