Wednesday, January 9, 2008

OK, OK, I'm Back!!!

Ya well, one cannot stay depressed too long, it depresses you!!! Although I am still a hostage at hospital, I decided, khalas, I miss u guys and this blog too much to keep sulking.
Yes, I am still at hospital. They are keeping me till all the test results and cultures come out. Today they are removing the IV antibiotics and putting me on oral ones to see if my temperature remains stable. As for the diarrhea, ever wondered how many spelling mistakes one can make with that word?! Jeez! There's diarhea, diarya, die-a-riya, diorrhea (actually I think this one is also correct!), dioriya,... Leyla, help me out here! Eh, however u spell it, it's still there, so they r running tests for that too, but it is draining me! I am not eating (maalesh will lose some weight and become 'svelte'!) , I am taking way too many pills and I am sleeping half the day. I shall call this a retreat, or a 'cure'. Instead of going somewhere far and expensive to relax, I get to do it in good ol' Sutton!
I want to thank ALL of you who commented on my last entry. Really, thanks for your support. You are truly with me throught thick and thin. I got some lovely, warm words from many of you, esp Hania (wow, u sure know how to console someone, tks habibti!) I also happen to know that my 'silent' readers, or groupies as Dina likes to call them, are also very supportive. I thank u for that, and understand if u want to remain 'anonymous'. I love u anyway!
I had a revelation the other day while I was sitting in my hospital bed (which is by the way, unfortunately, very comfy, with crisp sheets and the perfect pillow and all). Well, as I sat there, I was thinking, when someone tells you to "go to a nice place", or "imagine yourself at the place where u would rather be, we usually immediately think of a desert island, palm trees, sunshine, maybe a couple of coconut drinks... i.e. tropical heaven. But it dawned on me that day as I closed my eyes and 'went' to my favourite place that it is no longer the island that I want. I imagined home, sofa, tv, family, friends, dinner on my coffe table with way too many people to fit, Beirut nights out, thunderstorms while u r still in bed, great food, sea, mountain, etc... Yes, my dear friends, that was very enlightening and comforting, and hopefully pretty soon I will be there, in my favourite 'place' with ALL u guys coming to visit, and me throwing parties at home, and cocktails and stuff @ the new kitchen. Pretty soon, inshallah. I just need to learn to be patient, as Wiss always reminds me.
Ok, then, now I am off to my daily routine, trashy newspaper, boring television, inedible lunch, afternoon doze, evening internet check, and late-night movie I'd seen at least a dozen times!!! The good life, eh? Hamdilla. It could have been worse.

tata my 'groupies', hehe


Bigbro said...

So ever thought what the people of your "tropical heaven" dream of for their retreat?? ;-) f

tiger said...

So glad to hear the good news, Halhooool or shall I say Fala??
Excuse my ignorance, but what the hell is 'tagging'? How does it work and how does it show on my blog???

Bobbie said...

So glad you are doing better today. God bless you and keep you safe from all harm! Hamdillah you will be even better tomorrow.

lebanesa said...

Sweetie, so sorry to hear you have been having the winter blues.
Anyhow, it is understandable to all your groupies. We are just surprised you manage to be up-beat, funny and cheery at all EVER! so the occasional slide into fatigue and sick of the damn situation just tells us you are a sweet vulnerable human being and not Mrs Teflon stainless steel panties!
Love hurts as the old song goes - but better to love your girls so much it hurts when they go than not to have those feelings. Just the other side of the coin. j
We all admire your guts (even if they are playing diarrhoea music at the moment) and love to hear how you are getting along. We still all have everything crossed and are waiting with you for the moment you are all done and cleared to go back to your old life.
Love you and hope that 2008 gets better fast.

lebanesa said...

what is that 'j' in the middle of my comment? I just saw it after I pressed Publish - sorry - magic lucky J

Rima said...

yay, she's back, she's back!

hope that by now, you really are doing better. keep the fighting spirit, rest the body, ok?

love ya

Dina said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dina said...

Habibti Haloul,
Glad to have you back and in good spirits .. I know it is hard and I know you are doing this as much for yourself and it is for us .. your groupies .. but that's what makes this work .. and inshallah it will. We all pray for the day that you will go back home and be with your family. That day is coming, it is just around the corner. The worst is over inshallah and the good times are coming. Keep your spirits high and keep thinking of your special place. You will be there soon.
Love you, your #1 groupie.

Unknown said...

good morning sutton and welcome back my dear - we missed you --- hope you start feeling better pretty soon and get to leave the hospital!!!
You are so right -- heaven is just where we are with loved ones - I couldn't agree with you more!!! Fadi will not agree but I really think the tropical poeple dream of snowy wonderlands for their heaven!! hee hee I am obssessed with snow and that would be the logical think for them to think about!! what do you think??
keep safe and healthy my dear and beirut is soooooo close!!

Mazen Khaled said...

Beautiful insight hala. Love you.

Rima said...

Don't disappear again! you don't have to be witty or fabulous all the time, darling, just write anything - ups and downs are just fine, we'll deal with them as they come. We just want to feel like we're at your side, even if it's only in spirit.
We love you, sweetie pie, and we want to know how you're doing - di-r-e-a and ALL. Boring stuff, scary stuff, sad thoughts, all of it. Take it off your shoulders and send it off into cyberspace.
Did I mention that we love you? love you both, you and Wisso, you halawisses you!
hugs and kisses

Unknown said...

hey halloul. long time i know but it has been hectic but i kept reading ur blog..but not writing ma ba3rif leish! happy ur feeling better and when ur feeling down. try and think of the good times to come..difficult i know but at least give it a try sometimes it works!. kisses and hugs

Layla said...

Hi Halloul, sorry this is late but this is what i got out of my dictionary I think after you read it you'll never forget how it is (Glad you are feeling better)

di·ar·rhe·a /ˌdaɪəˈriə/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[dahy-uh-ree-uh]
–noun Pathology. an intestinal disorder characterized by abnormal frequency and fluidity of fecal evacuations.

Also, di·ar·rhoe·a.

[Origin: 1350–1400; ME diaria < LL diarrhoea < Gk diárrhoia a flowing through, equiv. to diarrho- (var. s. of diarrheǐn to flow through) + -ia -ia]

—Related forms
di·ar·rhe·al, di·ar·rhe·ic, di·ar·rhet·ic /ˌdaɪəˈrɛtɪk/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[dahy-uh-ret-ik] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation, di·ar·rhoe·al, di·ar·rhoe·ic, di·ar·rhoet·ic, adjective