Monday, September 10, 2007

Tomorrow, i go back!

After the weirdest week of experiences, after lead and wax and sand and water and and and... I go back to the second chemo session. Hope it goes as smoothly as the first one. It was very touching the amount of people who tried to send me stuff to eat or drink to become better. Some even melted lead bullets and splashed them in a water bowl on top of my head, yikes! Others did the same with wax, and yet others wanted me to wear a "hijab" around my neck, a collection of prayers in my name, or taste centuries-old sand from Saint Rita or water from Lourdes. No matter what they wanted me to try, it was very touching. i wish it works, though. They all seem to have seen "An Evil Eye!!!" against me. ya sater! Why evil eye? what have i done? Who would want to purposefully hurt anyone like that??? Superstitions??? Dunno!


Rima said...

I'm sure the molten lead in the water is going to work! ;-)
I first heard of it in Montreal, when someone was convinced she had an "evil eye" on her.
I do love Saint Rita, there's a church named after her right down the street from my dad's house, and they have the best bell ringer on Sunday. Or had - it's electronic now.
Did someone come in with a voodoo doll yet? or a garlic necklace?

Or Pizza? hahaha
Love you, kiddo
Have a good week

Unknown said...

I say, whatever works .. bring it on. i would try anything!
Faith is faith. it is more about what is in your heart than about what you are directing your faith towards. one has got to have belief. belief in arriving at a specific end. so put that infront of you, focus, and go for it kiddo. we are ALL (excuse the pun! :)) here to help you get there, in any way we can, even if that was by staying out of your way.

talk soon xx

taggy said...

In the end all people who are bringing these stuff mean well . Its their way of saying we care and we love you. Whats important dont let them go far and bother you. You and only you is most important right now. relax and think positive thoughts and you will see that this cloud will pass by and a huge rays of sun will appear. we love you .

taggy. zee(2) and Karma hala ;)

Lara said...

Anything is worth a try!!! The most essential is for you to keep faith and POSITIVE. We are all with you and backing you up and just waiting for a sign from you to appear and help in any way we can.


maral said...

St Rita does miracles.
And i pray for her intercession at my Sunday masses at St Patrick's Cathedral!
We are all together in this, and this creates a strong bong giving positive results.
W Allah bi dabbir, no worries.
hal amerken ma bya3rfo yitibkho ya zalame...
next thing is to open Coco & Co in NYC next to Parsons!!!!!!!!
a demain

LinaG said...

I didn't realize you had aquired a solar pannel! .. I remember last time you looked stunning when you went bald!! Check attached illustration for additional remarks!!.(didn't find how to get the illustration posted??
Love U,
Lina g.

Artists With Artitude said...

Hala, I agree with you. People do mean well but sometimes you want to scream!!! One friend told me that I needed to chase the evil spirits from my home using "bakhour," another told me that I must have done something really bad in my past and I needed to atone all my sins, yet another one dumped a ton of books about cancer by my front door and never came back! Of course, there are so many others who truly helped by just listening and NOT telling me that I all I needed was a really "good attitude." Yallah, hope all is okay. One day at a time, huh?

lebanesa said...

Have you tried St Charbel yet?
I think you're a bit past getting dressed as a nun.... hur hur
But it is true, people cling to these things in a positive way - to fight the feeling that they are helpless to do anything. They want you to be well and they would love to be able to do something. Hard to take, both the love and the superstition.
The eye, of course, because you are beautiful and clever and kind and so maybe someone envied you. Logic