Saturday, September 8, 2007

September 04
Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair. NOT!!!!
Woke up today with my long hair falling off in strands!!! I realized it was time for that trim. so, off to Dessange i went and Bob ran his magic scissors and cut the whole lot off, well, almost. yalla, baseeta, pretty soon Wiss will have to shave it off for me with his razor. Now comes the fun part of choosing the best headband or matching bandana! yalla, futile, but keeping my mind off the more serious stuff!

i'm going to go up to Broummana to see the girls today. hope i have enough energy for them, habibati. It'll be good to see them and mom and have a nice home-cooked meal.

wish me luck,


lebanesa said...

What about a nice curly long golden wig a la Dalida?
I saw a few of those last time I was in Broumana
At least you would have an excuse...

Hala said...

wigs? eeeewwwwww!! No, i can't stand those! Actually, i don't mind my solar panel, it's kinda round and shiny, so issokay! plus, can u imagine how many styles one can wear a bandana??? There's a whole history behind that. Thank u Frances for ur support. of course i don't mind. cheers. h