Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Forgive me dear friends, for I have stalled! Well, actually, I didn't really stall, but I couldn't get myself to type with one hand. The reason for that is, actually, that there turned out to be a CLOT under my left arm, causing it to swell and hurt, thus making it impossible for me to use. They said it was most probably caused by the Hickman Line that they had put in my veins a few months ago to give me meds thru and draw out bloods from, and that it was absolutely essential to remove it ASAP. So off to the Minor Procedures Unit we went (that was Friday) and did a 'minor' operation to remove the 'bloody' line. And since I had a bone marrow aspirate on Monday, I opted to do it right then too so I would finish with it and spend a 'carefree' weekend. So, there I was, needles in the front and in the back, push, pull, stitch, breathe, exhale, ignore, shush, quiet, ouch, yikes... till it was over about an hour later and I got to go back home and rest.
Clots! As if I needed more headache. I had just finished from one in my right arm a week ago! (That one was caused by the Central Line I had put in in Beirut last August!) So now it's more shots in the stomach, which I don't really mind giving myself cuz it makes me feel like a doc or a nurse for a little while, hehe! But Clots! Imagine I survive ALL only to die of a blood clot! Wouldn't that be ironic! Yalla baseeta, when u gotta go u gotta go, no matter how or why. But issokay, or it should be, inshallah. A couple of months and it'll melt away. Meanwhile, I will try not to think much about it and hope the swelling in my arm eases pretty soon.

On a lighter note, MY EYEBROWS ARE ALL OUT!!!! So is my hair (even facial hair, oh God!) and those who don't believe me, hmmm, I'll have someone photograph me tomoro and I'll post the picture, I promise!

I shall leave you for now. Gotta go make Zee some more food! Habibti, ever since they started her on steroids she hasn't stopped eating! And she is picky too, and sets out the menu for the whole week! I guess she's taken much more from me than ALL! God bless her!



Rima said...

ya mama! shou hayda! this is way too much excitement! I hope your arm will be clot- and headache-free very soon, ha!

Ya habibti, you are such a trooper! It's great to read your perspective on an otherwise really crappy and annoying development. If you are taking any blood thinners, pay attention to what you're eating: a lot of the lebanese food we adore (zaatar, hommos, ++) interferes with the medicine.

Zee has definitely inherited your smile - I find that she looks the most like you, not beydouniyeh/barragieh at all. And your apetite for life too! Angels on your shoulders, both of you - ya habibati

As for your facial hair, yay! we do want to see a picture! Khayy, something else to look forward to for tomorrow

love, and hugs and kisses
thinking of you, always

Bobbie said...

On a positive note, they found the clot and so you are so lucky! No, I know that it is hard to see your luck right now, but I say hallas! hallas! hallas! (sp?). Why is it that facial hair dares grow back after all the treatment it has received? It defies logic! Well it will be good to see your eyebrows and find out what you look like with them :) God bless you and little Zee and big old hubby Wiss too.

Unknown said...

Mabrook the eyebrows and hair -- and sorry to hear about the blod clot!!! yella good done with it now dr hala!!! I still believe and keep reminding you of what a great writer and the twist you add to everything (despite all) is great - I hope I will get a personalized copy of the book you will write!
Have a needle free happy day inshalah -- kisses to Zee

LinaG said...

Don't get clotty on us now!! Thank God they found it and all is well...
Keep them eyebrows growin' kido! ... shal we do an eyebrow contest??? Ha ha. ..and we need loads of pics to satisfy our curiosity!. wouldn't it be great if at least the facial hair did NOT come back?? How is our mini Hala doing (Zee) ? Does she have loads of books to read, DVDs to see and painting to make?? I hope she is not missing her sisters too much, and them her!.
Love and prayers to y'all...

Zena said...

Hala magique!! am GLAD they found that clot and you got it over with... you manage to bring smiles on our faces through your mishapps, am sorry you had another espisode but you are AMAZING.. that is what I think when I think of you.. lots of love and health wishes to you and Zee, HUGZ xxx

Unknown said...

Halloul, on a lighter note, it means the lamsa or waxing headache is back too ;-))

I used to jock with my wife when I was on my chemotherapy saying women would love it if they can use chemo to avoid the hassle of waxing!!

Hope am not offending anyone...and if I am...well i did so sorry...

Great to have you back with the good spirits, ma3leish and 7amdillas!

Hugs and kisses..


Heyyy Hala,

Screw the clot ... and screw every bad thing thats happening to you... just keep walking back into the sunshine!

Congrats on the facial hair! I hope you will grow a nice big mostache!!!

As for Zee, she's definetly something... just like her Mama!!!

Kisses and hugs.

Ramzi & Reem Ghannoum said...

dido to all the writers! may all the bad things disapear from your life and never come back. Mabrouk for the eyebrows, as for the facial hair, well... we'll find a way to get rid of it later. In the meantime, enjoy yourself with Zee and sahteen a alba, sometimes there's nothing like food that can give you that comfort you need :)

Bigbro said...

Facial hair? Oops!! Where did u get it from?? i better lay low & say NOTHING ;-) my life is still dear to mef

Mazen Khaled said...

Inno I never thought I'd ever say that to a woman, but hey, Mabrouk el facial hair. :)

Salemtik min el clot habibteh.

Hala said...

Awwwwwwwwwwww, come on guys, it's the steroids!!!! I never had facial hair before in my life!!!! (except when I had chemo last time and was taking even more steroids, but then I also had a beard!!!) Luckily it all fell off, and I am hoping these will too. The picture is on its way, inshallah tomoro (today was very hectic, sorry!)Hope we get a sunny day so the picture comes out nice and 'clear'!

a demain,

lebanesa said...

looking forward to seeing the bearded lady.
Damn Clots
Yay hair.

zeenam said...

Zeena looks EXACTLY like you - adorable and happy.

Stay strong, keep smiling and you ARE BOTH going to be A OK !!!!!!!!!