Sunday, February 10, 2008

Bonding in the Sutton Sun!

Today was a lovely day in Sutton. We took the opportunity to go down to the park with Zeena's new scooter. After a couple of runs and a small fall (oops!) Zee decided to sulk and refrain from playing. I had to get on the swings and act the clown to finally convince her to go back to playing. (In effect, I needed an excuse to get on those swings!) After that, we walked in the sun for a while, watched the squirrels and pigeons and were 'fascinated' by the young couple kissing and cuddling nonstop on one of the benches! We sat at a bench too (but didn't kiss or cuddle!!!) and had probably one of the longest conversations I have ever had with my daughter. Habibti, she has grown so much, so quickly. She speaks of everything and knows so much and memorizes so many incidences; it's amazing! I think God has sent her to me for that purpose, for Zee and I had never really spent time together as much. I was always busy with my treatment (Round 1), or with work or her sisters. Now, I feel she is ALL mine, ALL for me to explore and love and hold and kiss and, yes, cuddle!!! And she's so yummy too cuz she's been eating sooo much that her cheeks are like 'sponge cake', as Teta says.
Teta, ah Teta! Habibti mama. She was feeling a bit 'under the weather' today so she refrained from leaving the house. "I" made her chicken soup!!! Yes, moi! (Of course following her directions.) And I also made kebbe bi laban, basmati rice, ejjeh (omlette with courgettes, onions and parsley for those who dunno) AND a salad!!! ALL following mom's instructions. Zee helped too. She peeled the cucumbers, grated the courgettes, squeezed the lemons and handed us pots from the low cupboard! It was great cooking together, three generations of kitchen lovers!
After lunch, I wanted to be in the sun again, so I left them napping and went down to the High Street. I walked ALL the way down, bought 'a few' things along the way then took the bus back up!
I don't know where ALL this energy is coming from. I think cuz I used to be anemic (another difficult word to spell!) and am not anymore (cuz Fadi isn't) I have so much extra energy that I need to spend. Hamdillah that I am able to do it without causing any pain or trouble. The doc did say I had to walk a mile a day; However, he didn't specify whether it should be a 'shopping' mile or not!
Anyway, as long as I am feeling better, I will keep on walking, God willing, and I will hold Zee's hand and walk with her till the very end, inshallah.
Hope tomoro is another sunny day for me and ALL of you!
g'night people,
(n.b. Zeina Halawi pls send me ur email or number urgently!)


Bobbie said...

Three generations cooking in the kitchen. Sweet! It is so good to see you feeling better so you can be there not only for little Zee, but also for yourself. There is nothing like a mother's love and care when you don't feel good. God bless you all in that house, enjoy and love!

Rima said...

Zee has marshmallow cheeks! Yummy! Can you please plant a great big kiss on there for me? My goodness, she could barely talk the last time I saw her! and now, here you are, two proper ladies chatting on a park bench - too precious.

We are so glad to see that you have all this energy - if you get Fadi's follicles, then it's only fair that you also get his energy, right?

Keep walking, but don't talk on the phone anymore while doing it, it makes you tired! and it makes me feel guilty!! I love your mama, please give her a great big kiss from me too. I hope she gets to feeling better soon. Oh, and don't forget your other (better?) half! on the allousseh!

Love you!

Zena said...

Those are beautiful pictures Hala.. I agree 100% with what Bobbie said, there is nothing better than a mothers unconditional love, keep walking and smiling, and hope that soon you will be back in the comfort of your own home surrounded by all your family and loved ones, inshallah.. xxx

Unknown said...

There is nothing more precious than mother daugher bonding and you are getting that great opportunity to do it both ends!!! Kids are amazing, they never seize to amaze me and they pick up and know so much more than we think so I am sure that lovely day you had in the sun warmed her and meant to her just as much as it did to you - like you said you both needed this time together -- its a lovely cute age!!! Keep walking strong - shopping I believe is the best form of exercise!!! keep walking holding the hands of those you love guiding them and sometimes them guiding you!!

Ramzi & Reem Ghannoum said...

Wow, Hala, yes I agree, that love is like fuel for life! Enjoy the sunshine and keep walking.

Bigbro said...

Back to that gitl kissing on the bench will she be there the next time am in Sutton?? OK OK - JUST KIDDING OK?!!! f

Mazen Khaled said...

Mmmm you're encouraging me to cook at home and try making that omelette

I hope I don't burn the whole kitchen :)

Unknown said...

Halloul..txs for the sunny day news... i am ALL stressed out these days because of wrk and stuff and have not seen my family for almost a month now ;-( but reading ur blog puts things in perspective and well there is nothing materialistic that is worth stressing about.

Thanks for being here for ALL of us

kisses to ALL

Hajjal Sannine said...

mashallah mashallah.... Keep Walking..

zeenam said...

what a happy day you had
i smiled the whole time i was reading yr blog and you helped to remind me of how lucky we r to have these little one's in our lives

lebanesa said...

Yay - sunshine and love, what could be better!
Well, swings, obviously!

Cristina said...

I will never get tired to tell you how much I admire you!!
You faced many obstacles in the last few months, they would have disheartened and defeated everyone but not you!! here you are even stronger, braver and more resolute... how can you be so fantastic??? one day you will disclose your secret!!.
Your last post is one of my favourite... I like when you describe your family moments, you are so genuine and you transfer so much love!!

Keep on in this way and enjoy your lovely Zee.

Have a nice day


jouj said...

well i finally had the courage to visit your blog, i'm really surprised!
we miss you here in beirut, i hope that you will soon be all back together!
keep on smiling, walking in the sun, cooking...just keep on going!
big big big hug to you and zeena.

oushi said...

sorry, i became a silent reader in the past days. but i was extremly busy (in-laws, flu...)
but as mohammad said "reading ur blog puts things in perspective and well there is nothing materialistic that is worth stressing about".
i really enjoyed your last post because i could feel concrete the sunshine you also had in your hearts that day... made me very happy, thx
love you