Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Hurrah For Fadi!!!

Day -1, The harvest went super well, thank God. The cells Fadi gave were more than enough, and a very very good count, so no need for more tomorrow. Hamdillah, yet another piece of super news! And he feels good too! He went to Marks and treated himself to a crispy duck dinner!
As for moi, well, today's been easy too, thank God. I had 2 radiation sessions and started cyclosporin, a medicine i have to take twice daily to protect me from the BMT. The only irritating thing that happened to me today was an inhalation medicine they gave me to protect my lungs from infection, God forbid. It tastes horrible and dries your mouth. Thank God it's only once a month.
We had a little dancing session this afternoon in the room. Yours truly was so bored that I started dancing to Nelly Fortado's 'Give it ti me' as soon as I heard it off Cyba's phone. The trio (Cyba, Fadi and Wiss) took videos of me on their phones! I will try to see if there's a decent one to put here!!!
So, tomoro Day 0, D-Day!!! I am not that worried about it. I dunno why people r giving it so much importance. maybe cuz IT IS???!!! Well, i want to think of it as if it's any other procedure, and then live it one day at a time... let's just hope my body accepts the cells. it'll be a while b4 we know so hold ur horses, it's a long ride.
i am still waiting 4 you to add my new yahoo messenger name:
i cannot add u. i've lost all the addresses with the stupid msn that is blocked here.

ok, i'm gonna head to bed. long day today and longer tomorrow.
pls people, this is it, this is the time for ur love, support and prayers.
think of me tomorrow, and i will right and tell u how it went.



taggy said...

hi halloulllllllll, great to hear one good news after the other....and i have faith and feel that we are gonna still hear the best of your news and things will be easy on you because you are a very unique and special person and this is what you deserve just keep on believing that.

now Fadi , fadi , fadi what can i say except that you are the man of the hour, the best and favorite and most amazing cousin and brother allah yehmeek and yekhaleeeeelna yak because with you in our lives u are making our life special and worth living. habibi abu adeeeeeb.

kisses to wiss and cyba.

love you all and our hearts and prayers are with you.

Rima said...

The exciting adventures of SuperherHala and her faithful sidekick, Superbro! No kryptonite is strong enough to defeat this indomitable duo! Watch them laugh in the face of Supervillains Needleman and his slimy accolyte Yucky Medicine! See them make mincemeat of sneaky ennemies like Nausea Gnome and the Thirst Monster! ... hmmm, I ran out of steam... well, anyway, I do mean it - you two are absolutely incredible, and beautiful people. We all love you and pray for you and think of you in everything we do. Rest well before tomorrow, no more dancing - well maybe a little bit more, but do get some rest!
Please get Wiss to send us your coordinates

rabab Audi said...

Rida ala with you and the great big bro ya ahla min ayami, may God bless you and keep you from all harms. We love you waiting for your good news tomorrow inshalla all will go smoothly again and again untill the end of this nightmare.

Unknown said...

Hurrah Fadi --- man of the hour -- I love that!!! but seriously a bigger hurrah to you my dear --- cant wait to see the video of the dance!! Brilliant news and waiting for more-- prayers, love and kisees to all.

Lara said...

Hey you!!! Very happy to hear the great news; and a very special thanks to Fadi and his stem cells. As for D-Day and after, just dance through it, you are doing great and will continue on doing great. Although not physically by your side, we are all with you every minute of the way.
Your new motto should be, after "Keep Walking" is "Keep Dancing"!!!!
Kisses to all and a double mwah to u.
Luv ya

Cristina said...

Ciao Hala/Fadi, Fadi/Hala or Hala & Fadi together... HADI from today on... (nice nickname do you agree??) how is the cohabitation 24h/24 with your brother? he is still so lovely?? reply in a couple of months... just kidding, you are very lucky to have such a brother!!
I keep on looking for any update in the blog; maybe tonight we will not receive our daily update, it is the D-day and you need the deserved rest; however I am tranquil and optimistic as an angel told me that nothing bad can occur to special people, you are one of them and too many people need and count on YOU, in perfect shape, completely recovered. Forza e coraggio!! We all support you

Bobbie said...

Hadi! Love that! God blessed you with a good harvest from Fadi, wonderful! He will continue blessing you right on through!

Unknown said...

Halloullllllla. inshalla ya rabb you will always be surrounded by your great family. allah ykhallikun la ba3d. Fadi bek, you've always been KBEER ya Fadi.
May God keep you all to Adibo and Nahno.
Million Kisses to all!