Friday, May 16, 2008

STOP...<<... REWIND...<<... PLAY


After ten days of having arrived in Beirut, I am actually going home to stay for good, inshallah. I will finally enjoy my couch. I will finally feel the warmth of 'home'. I will finally see my friends and go to the places I miss so much. I hope. I hope I hope. (unless They have more surprises in store for us!)
I am not complaining, though. These past ten days at mom's have been very uplifting, regardless of what was going on outside. We had good 'quality time', good food!, good conversations, good hugs, good care, etc... It's as if I was in "pause" mode, preparing myself for the new ME, the new life, the new challenges.

I will not say much more today. I just want to share with you a prayer I got by email today from a very close friend/relative. (I don't usually pass these on, but this one touched me deeply, so here it is)


Everything that is going wrong in your life today shall be well with you this year. You have been destined to make it and you shall surely achieve all your goals this year. For the remaining months of this year (2008), all your agonies will be diverted and victory and prosperity will be incoming in abundance. Today God has confirmed the end of your sufferings, sorrows, and pains because HE that sits on the throne has remembered you. He has taken away the hardships and given you JOY. He will never let you down.
To that I say, AMEN!!! Ya rabb! Ya rabb! Ya rabb! So, pray with me, to whichever god u believe in, that these words actually do come true for me and Zee and you and ALL your loved ones!
On that note,


Zena said...

Inshallah ya Hala.. inshallah.. I hope nothing happens to disrupt your new chapters in life in anyway possible.. that prayer touched your heart just like your journey touched mine.. be safe and be happy
lots of love

Bobbie said...

Thank you for passing on the prayer. God is good and I am grateful.

I hope you are in your cozy home and lying on your cozy sofa and you are safe and secure in your cocoon. God bless and keep you and yours!


Good to hear you're back home Hala!!! I pray that you will turn the page and this will be a new start for you!

New beginings is always something to look forward to.. I hope this will be the begining of a happy, carefree life for you... God knows you deserve it!


Unknown said...

the new you was always in the old you...we are forever grateful for bro's wonderful(touch wood) donor cells but whether it"s the "new me" or the "old you" we all love you greatly and cannot wait for you to actually sit on that sofa so we can sit over a cuppa and catch up !!!
The prayer is moving.. you have such faith and joy in you that you made us renew our faith ,as you so rightly said in "whichever God we may pray to".
yalla,a domani.tons of kisses

Unknown said...

Dear Hala

You should be very well settled on your "couch" now-- please take it easy and just chill and enjoy the fact of being back home -- all the excitment of your arrival needs time to rest now!!! seems things have quietened down and by next blog entry you would be out having an argeelah somewhere, having your favourite munchies and enjoying beirut life!!
Lovely prayer --- all good things coming your way now inshalah
Have a great weekend with your kids

Mazen Khaled said...

Thanks for the blessing Halloush. Breathe in the healing of the Beirut collective feeling.

Hamdella 3assalemeh. I can't wait to be back.

Zena said...


Bigbro said...

Happy Birthday Halloul!!!

oushi said...

HEY, it's your original birthday! because, as you once said you have two birthdays now - but everyday gives reason for celebration and you are the one who taught me that. i wish your wonderful prayer to come true to you. today i imagine you in your beautiful, cosy home, having a special self made super cake (?) and sharing a warm time with your family... and later lying on the sofa digesting great lebanese meals while watching relaxing tv... does that fit? hope you have a good day today and tomorrow and after tomorrow and the day after tomorrow and the day after tomorrow tomorrow... and so on ;-)
you are always on my mind, tons of love, oushi
ps: say a warm hello to wiss and zee, does she remember me and my mom?

Cristina said...

Is today your birthday by any chance? It seems so… someone blabbed!!!

It has been an unusual year, full of hard proofs and unexpected events.

There was only one way to react: accept the new reality, try to understand it, comply with it and learn to move in the unknown.
It is what you did, you never got into the regret of the past, you immediately abandoned the past habits to “begin a new life”, to learn to live in the new contest, to use all your capabilities, your intelligence, your stoutness to come out and achieve victory.
Thanks to your brave, your fortitude and your optimism you found the hope not to surrender, to look ahead, to act and finally to win your war.

Someone tells that the courage has to be cultivated, instead I think that it is an inborn worth like the optimism, the hope and the tenacity.

I would like to profit of this special day to wish you a very Happy Birthday to the only person I know who concentrate in herself all these great values.

Mille di questi giorni

Buon compleanno


Mia said...

Happy Birthday!! I hope you are enjoying being home. Miss you and hope to see you soon this summer.
Love, Zeina Khouri

LinaG said...

Oh my God. I still cannot beleive you are back. Is it a dream? I always thought we'd all be at the airport with flags and banners when you come back! Too bad it was at the time of these crazy events.
on another note ...Happy Birthday Halloul...
I guess we were all waiting for things to calm down a bit and everyone to return to their homes, before we meet up, but we still gotta meet up, right? I hope Wiss and Zee are fine too and you all have got a chance to relax a bit from the trip and the chaos!. I am sure the big girls are ecstatic have you back, and their life back to normal, but ever the more precious.
Yalla, kasskon, to your health and peace, inshalla ma tinaad, we tib2oo bi saha jaida!.
Lina G

LinaG said...

Oh my God. I still cannot beleive you are back. Is it a dream? I always thought we'd all be at the airport with flags and banners when you come back! Too bad it was at the time of these crazy events.
on another note ...Happy Birthday Halloul...
I guess we were all waiting for things to calm down a bit and everyone to return to their homes, before we meet up, but we still gotta meet up, right? I hope Wiss and Zee are fine too and you all have got a chance to relax a bit from the trip and the chaos!. I am sure the big girls are ecstatic have you back, and their life back to normal, but ever the more precious.
Yalla, kasskon, to your health and peace, inshalla ma tinaad, we tib2oo bi saha jaida!.
Lina G

Unknown said...

Me again -- just realized I missed your birthday!! saw everyyone wishing you a happy birthday!! Hope it was spent exactly the way you want it, with your wonderful family -- may all your wishes come true -- all praying!!