[Just a few minutes ago, while I was uploading these photos, I accidentally pressed the 'publish post' button and the pictures went on the blog without a text. By the time I had realised what had happened, two people had already posted a comment, not quite understanding what those photos meant. Tamara and Cristina, so sorry for this mishap! My bad! (But Tam, I must say, you have some imagination!!!)]
Yes, I feel I am in 'rodage' mode! I have absolutely no idea what that means in English, but it's a sign new cars (or new-engine cars) used to put on their back windshield window (do we call it that???) to tell people to take it easy on them cuz they can't go fast. "Rodage" cars also cannot go up mountain roads, or go long distances without a rest... hehe. Sounds like me, eh??? Alas, cars nowadays don't go through this 'rodage' phase due to (or shall I say thanks to) some technological achievement in the car industry which I know nothing about. I believe people (or cars) sometimes need to take their time. So, I thought I'd pay homage to a childhood 'experience', some extinct six-letter word that takes one from a state to another, from poorly to healthy, from so-so to 'finally normal'. Rodage, I am ALL yours. Take me there. And hurry... hehe!
Ever since the doc started reducing my meds, my immunity has been playing up on me. I feel a bit tired and my feet are swollen. I even caught a nasty cold that left me kinda down and angry again. But, issokay, slowly slowly, we'll get there, inshallah. I have to be off all medication before they let me go home again, and this is exactly why. They want to make sure I am strong enough to continue on my own. So, hopefully I'll get stronger and break out of this cell early next month.
ok out on a limb here --- either making complete fool of myself or actually getting it--- j'adore!!! mirror image
he he you can have a good laugh
hee hee ok I am enjoying this -- now I get something else -- actual rodage!! getting back on the road slowly after a good makeover -- cheers and keep moving strong
Translate please...........!!!!!!!!
Used to be called running-in when you had to drive very slowly for the first so many kms in a new car...
That's the English. I think rodage might be the Franglais - do they have rodes in France? With an accent circonflex it means stalking, I think. My French is older than my Arabic. Anyhow. Slowly slowly and you will be all better soon. Sorry it is taking so long, but every day is another day alive so dammit, thank goodness you are still progressing towards health - Yay Hala, on the road again, at least some movement.
You see how much you have progressed that you don't even point out your gorgeous hairstyle and funky eyebrows?
Looking good, gal.
Roooodage ya mazam...hehehe,
ma3lich, ablanin, take it easy all for the higher good of yourself. wouldn't mind to take it even (rodage)2 supposed to read rodage au carre, bref.
All to say, Kilou mnih Ya rab.
Love you all, huge hugs and kisses for ZEE, For YOU and for Wiss.
Be healed habibiteh.
he hee at least i got the rodage part right --- hee hee figured the J'adore was a bit -------- take it slow, small slow steps --- rests -more steps and soon so soon all this will be a memory and only that ya rab!!!!
Your creativity is outstanding!! start planning that book we all want to read
It is called "OVERHAUL"ed in English also meaning just repaired & will be as good as new in a few more miles, so PATIENCE dear patience. You are as good as new.These little teething problems will go and you would be racing to Beirut soon. So headup and lets focus on the finish line. Kisses. f
Thanks to the Mechanical Engineer for the explanation!! It is almost the same in the Italian language, we say: "rodaggio"........ what I can't understand is what you wrote on the paper...... this is really Arab for me!!!
If it means "rodage", no need to write it , it is so evident you feel much better.... however go on in this way, this is the right direction.
Have a nice day
Love seeing you now, the hair is coming back and you are looking great! Hope little Zee is feeling good and on her way to recovery too :)
at least "you are on the road, on the road on the road again"!
you look good
U r simply an artist!! and if ur not gonna write that book well...no use threatening but pleeeeaaaaaaaase start writing/finish writing the book...U r an inspiration!!!
Rodage??? u got me back like 20 yrs!!!
kisses to you all...
Rodage is a good thing! It means that you are as good as new!!!
Now do you come with a warrenty as well? Hehe!
Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Vinho, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://vinho-brasil.blogspot.com. A hug.
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